Monday, October 15, 2012

SBB 2012

So we went to Southern Beauties and Beaus nationals this weekend. It was interesting. My son was my pageant tech for the very first time. It went well. I think his male energy helped keep things balanced. Anyway, I spent too much money as usual but the girls had a great time. Teagan won queen. She did the best she has ever done on stage. All it took was a five dollar bribe. I promised her that if she would smile during all three events, beauty, Barbie, and pirate, that she would get to buy something off the vendor's table. She didn't drop her smile at all! Sage, on the other hand, had a hard time this weekend. She was the last girl in a group of 12. The more she watched the other girls, the more nervous she got. By the time she got n stage, she was too nervous to do well. She ended up as second alternate. Her coach says we need to practice more. We are going to step up our game between now and the next pageant and see what happens. But she has decided to quit doing pageants. She wants to show hogs. In order to buy a pig, we cannot buy a new dress. It is her choice and I will honor it. Bt I am sad about it. I love doing this with the girls.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Obesity help conference

So I am at my very first obesity help conference in Atlanta. Yes, I am obese...morbidly obese. I am five foot three and last weighed in at 272 pounds. I am not sure how I got this way exactly. I wasn't fat growing up, in fact, I was underweight a good share of my childhood. However, many years and four child births later, here I am. I wish I could blame someone else. My parents, my kids, my ex-husband . But alas, it is all on me. I just like to eat. So about a year ago I decided to have gastric bypass surgery. I went to a surgeon. They gave me a list of requirement to fulfill. I saw a dietitian,    a psychologist and I had to turn in a report from the doctor who had been prescribing my weight loss pills and visit my pop. Well guess what, the doctor had closed up shop and moved off, leaving me with no record of my weight loss attempts. So I had to start over. Now I have turned in all of my stuff, which still might not be right and am awaiting insurance approval. In the mean time I decided to come to this conference this weekend and learn all that I can about this surgery and life after. I am nervous because I am alone, didn't have anyone to bring with me. I am excited to learn what I can though and I am going to connect with others who can be a support to me along the way.  I have asked the Goddess to join me and guide me so that I can get the sits out of this conference. Now I just hope that I m successful .